This Spinal Dread ring thing is done molding. Gonna use about 4 -5 per head. The weight does add up but not too much since these will replace the regular 3 dread ring configuration on the Pred Head.
I'm using a Patented variable core casting method that allows me to "switch" the core creating a bigger hole or smaller. Now I'm using a slight big core for a dread all the way up top and inside has jagged teeth to grab on to the dread so that it doesn't fall down in case you're a Head Banging Hunter. :lol:

It was tough and time consuming. Took me 2-3 hours for each skull and uses 4 terabytes of SD-Ram in my brain :lol: :(
Here we see the wrap around and sculpted in Super Sculpy by the way that's why i got the heat gun near the fan thing.
I hand spin it on a lazy Susan while heating it for about 10 minutes blowing the fumes outside for the curing process.
Glad you went with "Narins" idea with the spine dread rings.......that "vertibrae" idea that i put to you before "Narin" had published his badblood sculpt would have just been "too much work"...and would have just looked "shit" anyways......aparently....LOL!!
.....your integrity astounds me!
Yeah. I'm also going to make the Alien tail as someone also suggested but I'm calling it done with these Dreaded Accessories.
Sorry Mike....I was being sarcastic.....I mean...when I first put the idea forward....you turned it down saying "it would be too hard".....and you also said "it would look like shit anyways"....but suddenly "Narin" uses the same idea.....and all of a sudden your opinion of the idea changes DRAMATICALLY!!
I find it mildly ammusing that you thought the idea was shit when I suggested it.....but as soon as "Narin" uses the same princible it becomes a "great" idea........why dont you just go and stick your tounge straight down the back of his trousers?
Like i said.....your integrity astounds me.......credit where credit is due I say.
......shame you dont.
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