Cthulhu is an ancient old demon created by H.P. Lovecraft and the way wikipedia describe it is " tongue in cheek for extreme horror or evil." Anyway I thought it be interesting to make a mask of it, well my Cool angry face version of it. Why not? since everyone and thier mothers. brothers and sisters in kindergarten is making it. I did a quick sketch in my sketchbook figure out the mechanics roughly and soon it'll be a mask.

Bonehunter + Punisher mask = Cthulhu mask
the chamois tendrils are still wet and soft so its drying out now.
Later I will flip them inside out once the wire frame have been made.
I'll need to epoxy sculp this baby a bit before he can really be called a demon.

Sketched idea for the Cthulhu mask
Orc Mask Update:

The PVC tubing has been drilled, the eye holes and everything is drilled out
also jsut didn't take any pics of it.
My Eye balls plus stich string came in the mail woo hoo!
The black and brown string is for Orc Hide.
I'll be using hot glue + wet colored chamois to make it stick to the cut out template above.